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multimedia server on older fitpc2 linux

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 8:57 am
by mutrax
Hey guys,

I'm trying to build a multimediaserver from an old fitpc2 that was gathering dust here, to take along on vacation. this way when I plug it in the car (have a 30w 220v outlet, or the hotel room, I will be able to watch movies/read books on my wifi enabled archos tablet(10.1, android 4). I do most of these things on my homesever/touchscreens, but I'm having trouble getting the wlan adapter set to master mode, and I remember the display drivers are a major pita.

Will I be able to overcome these 2 big hurdles by using ubuntu 12.04 desktop?

The "must" features
-accessible as wifi AP, I will need to put the ralink adapter in master mode. some attempts I did a few months ago failed ( lucid server)
-smb share (easy)
-pnp share (mediatomb)
-book library (calibre as server, doable, tons of howto's available, remotly administrable by "ssh -X")

Nice to haves
-accelerated xbmc ui on the hdmi port
-acts as internet ap when connected to ethernet or usb 3g dongle

Thanks in advance,

PS.: I'm willing to compile a small howto if someone might be intrested in a portable media server to...