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Fit-VGA question - attach to projector does not work

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:37 pm
by startit_ltd
Hello guys,

I have a client, who has a fit2vga adapter and it is working well with a desktop media player attached to a TV with VGA input.
Unfortunatelly when he plugs it to his projector, the projector still black, there is no video output.

I did not find any useful on the forum. I guess, the adapter is working well, but the media player and projector have issues.

I would like to ask you, do you have any experience in a similar config?


Re: Fit-VGA question - attach to projector does not work

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:14 pm
by RKz

I checked with our projector and it took a while before I got any picture at all.

It looks as the fit-PC and the projector fails to negotiate a resolution.
After a while i get a low-resolution screen requesting manual input (Linux)

Re: Fit-VGA question - attach to projector does not work

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:56 pm
by startit_ltd
Thank you RKz for your feedback.

In our case, the configs look like this:

Apple TV media box ----- Fit2VGA adapter ----- Acer PD 523 projector
Apple TV media box ----- Fit2VGA adapter ----- Benq PB2140 projector

It seems, Apple TV cannot work in this kinf of config. I think, the "bug" is in the Apple TV itself.

I try to find something useful on the net regarding Apple TV. I gues this issue related to the appletv resolution.
Thank you!